
Dental Examination

We do everything possible to ensure that your dental examination with us is a pleasant experience.

Your first consultation will be free of any treatment and will focus on your dental needs and wishes. We will ask you about your previous dental experiences and discuss ways to make your visits as relaxed and stress-free as possible.

What to expect during your first visit?

At your examination appointment the dentist may:

  • Ask you about your medical history and any medication that you use

  • Enquire about your general health and diet

  • Carry out an examination of your mouth, teeth and gums

  • Examine your head, neck and mouth for any signs of cancer

  • Want to know more about your dental cleaning routine and areas where you may be struggling

  • Discuss with you a treatment plan based on your needs and preferences

  • Discuss all costs associated with various treatment options

Several of our dentists have completed further training and achieved postgraduate qualifications in the treatment of nervous patients. Feel free to advise the dentist in advance of any of your concerns when you book an appointment.

Our new patient examination will cost no more than £70 for a 30-minute consultation and two x-rays. We will provide you with a cost analysis and a printed estimate for any proposed dental treatments.


Invisalign is the virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth and achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

  • Using advanced 3D computer-imaging technology, Invisalign depicts your complete treatment plan based on your Invisalign Provider’s prescription, from the initial position of your teeth to the final desired position

  • Then a series of clear aligners are custom-made for your teeth – and your teeth only – to move them little by little

  • Each aligner is worn for 1-2 weeks before being replaced by the next in the series, gradually moving towards the projected final position

Your Invisalign treatment time will be determined by your Invisalign Provider, based on your specific needs.

Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is the process of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without damaging the tooth surfaces.

As we grow older our teeth are getting darker. This is partly due to the ageing process, but also due to the food and drink we consume and certain habits like smoking. Drinks like tea, coffee and red wine and certain foods like curries and berries have food colourings that will all contribute to a darkening of your natural tooth colour.

  • We use a type of whitening technique called ‘dentist-supervised home whitening. The advantage of this type of whitening is that it allows each person greater control over the final outcome of the whitening.

  • The dentist will evaluate your teeth to determine the correct whitening protocol that is suitable for your teeth. Your dentist will make you a very thin mouthguard after taking impressions or a scan of your teeth. The dentist will provide you with whitening gels and detailed instructions on how to manage the whitening process. The whitening guards can be retained and re-used for future whitening without repeating the entire process.

  • Tooth whitening only works on natural teeth. Dentures, crowns, veneers and fillings will not lighten with this procedure and may often require alteration or replacement. It is however very effective on individual discoloured teeth where discolouration followed a previous trauma or root canal treatment of a tooth.

The duration of the treatment depends on how discoloured your teeth are and the shade you wish to achieve. Tooth whitening takes between two to four weeks to complete and lightens the natural colour of your teeth up to 5 to 8 shades whiter.

Dental Hygienist

Dental hygienists and therapists are specially trained to provide care of the teeth and gums and to promote good oral health.

The hygienist’s main work is to professionally clean the patient’s teeth using an ultra-sonic cleaner or other hand instruments. This is often referred to as a ‘scale and polish’. The process removes plaque, which is a sticky coating that forms constantly on the teeth, and tartar (calculus), which is a hard deposit that builds up on the teeth. Plaque and tartar play an important part in the causes of gum disease.

  • Gum disease is a process where bacteria cause inflammation of the gums, which may lead to recession of the gums, mobility of the teeth and tooth loss. Early signs of gum inflammation include bleeding of the gums, gum recession and bad breath.

  • The hygienist focuses on the elimination of gum infection and works closely with the dentist to promote good oral health. They will demonstrate modern techniques to improve your cleaning routine especially in between the teeth where a toothbrush often doesn’t reach. They will show you helpful tools and aids to assist you in cleaning the hard-to-reach places.

  • The hygienist will talk to you about diet and other preventative measures to slow down the rate of dental decay and gum disease.

Recent research has shown that smokers get more gum infections and lose more teeth than non-smokers. The hygienist will work closely with smokers not only to remove staining but also to slow down the rate of gum disease.

Hygienists are experts at teaching you to look after your teeth and gums. Regular professional cleaning, combined with an individually tailored cleaning routine at home, will keep your mouth healthy and infection free. A clean and healthy mouth will improve your appearance, help you to retain your teeth and give you a fresh breath.

Flexible Dentures

Teeth may not last forever even with the advances in modern dentistry. Dental professionals have many options for replacing lost or extracted teeth – among them: implants, bridges and removable partial dentures.

  • The Valplast Flexible Partial is an almost unbreakable, removable partial that most patients find extremely comfortable to wear. Valplast is a lightweight denture that is practically invisible and eliminates the need for unsightly metal clasps.

  • In fact, most Valplast Flexible Partials are fabricated without the use of a metal frame – made instead from a strong durable plastic that snaps securely and comfortably into place around existing natural teeth and gums.

  • The plastic used is so strong that the partial made from it can be very thin, eliminating that heavy, bulky feeling associated with conventional acrylic dentures. Its flexible tendencies make it more retentive and better suited to deviate excess forces which often lead to denture fractures.

The colour, shape and design of Valplast Flexible Partials blend in well with the natural appearance of the gums, making the partial virtually invisible.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is an excellent way to replace a missing tooth. Implants are small metal screws (usually made of titanium or a titanium alloy) that are placed into the jawbone to act like artificial tooth roots. Over time, they fuse to the jawbone and a restoration (false, yet natural-looking tooth) is fitted on top. Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth or many teeth.

  • Is it painful?

    People are often surprised with how little discomfort is experienced during treatment. Just after the dental implants are placed in the mouth, any discomfort can usually be managed at home with normal painkillers. Some minor swelling occasionally occurs and is normal, this subsides within a few days after surgery.

  • How long will dental implants last?

    Provided you look after your mouth, maintain good oral hygiene and see your dentist regularly, dental implants can last many years. Dental implant treatment is akin to having a hip replacement – you would expect the artificial hip to last 10-20 years and then it might need re-treating. Dental implants require a similar approach. It is important that you look after your dental implants for the very best, long-lasting results.

  • How much does implant treatment cost?

    Costs for treatment will vary greatly depending on how many dental implants you need, what type of false tooth (or teeth) you choose and overall treatment time. As every case is different, your dentist will provide a treatment plan tailored specifically to you, which will include all the expected costs. Dental implants are usually more costly than other options to replace missing teeth, but they are also likely to last longer than other treatments for missing teeth.

We offer several finance options including 0% finance to spread the cost of implant treatment over a period of time.

The most amazing dentist I have ever been to. A* all round.

Rebecca P

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